Crystal, Coeurl, Goblet, Ward 8, Plot 30
Open on Mondays from 8PM EST until 12AM EST


Blackjack Rules

Minimum Bid: 50k
Max Bid: 250k
VIP Max Bid: 1M
Payouts: Win = 2x ; Blackjack (21) = 2.5x

Ace = 1

Jack = 11

Queen = 12

King = 13

Aces are valued at 1 or 11Jack, Queen and King are valued at 10Hit - Request another card from the dealerStay - Stay with your current hand and pass your turnDouble Down - Double your bet for one additional Hit, only. In the event you tie with the dealer you will lose your Double Down bet and retain your initial bet.Split - In order to Split your hand the cards dealt must be of the same value. Each split hand is treated as a separate bet, you may split up to three hands maximum.Blackjack - When you receive an Ace and a card totaling 10 then you will receive a 2.5x payout. If the dealer reaches Blackjack then all players lose that round.Bust - Exceeding 21 is a lost hand.


Hit - Request another card from the dealerStay - Stay with your current hand and pass your turnDouble Down - Double your bet for one additional Hit, only. In the event you tie with the dealer you will lose your Double Down bet and retain your initial bet.Split - In order to Split your hand the cards dealt must be of the same value. Each split hand is treated as a separate bet, you may split up to three hands maximum.Blackjack - When you receive an Ace and a card totaling 10 then you will receive a 2.5x payout. If the dealer reaches Blackjack then all players lose that round.Bust - Exceeding 21 is a lost hand.


Challenge the Dealer in a game of endurance!Player will start by deciding who rolls first. First roller will roll a "/dice" in party chat.
The next roller will then "/dice (last # rolled)".
Dealer and Player will take turns rolling until someone hits 1.
Whoever hits 1 first, loses.
If the Player wins, they will receive a (x2) PAYOUT.
GAMEFLOW EXAMPLE:Player: /dice > 572
Dealer: /dice 572 > 241
Player: /dice 241 > 7
Dealer: /dice 7 > 1
Player wins!Please note that this game may only become available for one round of play at the dealer's discretion.